
21-Post Fame

21-Post Fame A few thousand things occurred since the last posting, mainly the big patch or three that was pushed out before the Fame Expansion was release or was it during, can't remember, but a lot of changes.  Also I elected to download the Fame Expansion after it was released somewhere in there at a reduce price so I took the deal. I put this save on the back burner and started to test all the new stuff in separate save files, using new sims and all. Almost decided to build a new town, but I thought I give my third iteration a trail run with all the new stuff. It's been so long I have to remember what all was going on, but I do remember that my main house was the Harding house in Willow Creek, so I brought up the old save, and promptly created a new save called MTS-03-Fame from my MTS-03-Seasons save file. The game came up with only a few particulars, one being that I seemed to missed a Skin directory. After loading the Harding household, I still get a bad port...


20-Growing A lot of growing is going on, with babies in my world taking 3 days to become a toddler, so for me, it's been busy with toddlers. I've been building new houses, when I shouldn't, but I am and keeping an eye out on population overkill. The Harding twins, Le Chien twins, and Rasoya twins have kept me busy along with the Scotts and Watanabe houses of kids. Kids everywhere and there's no medicine for it except to get away and the reason for some new houses. I stopped off first at the Le Chien's, don't spend much time there as I should, innocent  eyed, these charmers are ruling the town. This is Olivia Le Chien staring up to her dad, Simon.  It was bath time, since these two newbies have an issue when they get up in the morning. So I had Daddy take care of Olivia in one tub, while Mommy handled Amilia in the other bathtub. One is green eyed and the other is brown, they will lose the blond hair when they become a child, to become more like the...


19-Tangents I often go off on tangents. Something just clicks and off we go, and in this case its the Jungle, which this all could end up in. I was going down the list of Sims that have been marked as being played, and one or really two where hiding away in Windenburg that I've found to have an interesting aspiration, being a skilled jungle adventurer.  I found that the jungle pack has some good to it, adding a diversion, and so I put Aron Srivastava off to the side and I believe added him to Peters Club and that is who Violet Munch is living with, another Sim that pops in and out. So Aron shows up in previous chapters, being in the club and also gets invited to the parties and gets ignored. But I kept Aron around because he has the archaeology scholar trait and has what appears to be a nice aspiration that requires trips to the Jungle. And with all these kids popping in, I thought a break was in order, so I sent Aron and Violet off to the Jungle. With that hat, Violet get...