I often go off on tangents. Something just clicks and off we go, and in this case its the Jungle, which this all could end up in. I was going down the list of Sims that have been marked as being played, and one or really two where hiding away in Windenburg that I've found to have an interesting aspiration, being a skilled jungle adventurer. I found that the jungle pack has some good to it, adding a diversion, and so I put Aron Srivastava off to the side and I believe added him to Peters Club and that is who Violet Munch is living with, another Sim that pops in and out.
So Aron shows up in previous chapters, being in the club and also gets invited to the parties and gets ignored. But I kept Aron around because he has the archaeology scholar trait and has what appears to be a nice aspiration that requires trips to the Jungle. And with all these kids popping in, I thought a break was in order, so I sent Aron and Violet off to the Jungle.
With that hat, Violet gets a bit of disguise but she shows up quite a bit in previous chapters, but she has the same traits as Aron except for the archaeology scholar trait, instead she has essence of flavor, also she's a cat lover. Both are active and love the outdoors.
They make a good couple. They got the two bedroom rental for their stay in the Jungle, which is pretty nice with the pool, this being more of a get to know each other type of trip, a little romance can't be ignored.
The local bar is the place to hang out and is always active with the locals coming in and out. I believe Aron will need to pick up the local custom and grab a few supplies on this trip and then muster out into the thick of things on another trip.
The whole idea got sideline when Violet got pregnant on their first night. Aron did get a good start though, its just now it appears it be awhile before he can return. That is Linda that Aron is holding, and we will leave these three alone for awhile and come back.
But I had the jungle bug in me and there were some interesting Sims back in Selvadorada that caught my fancy. So I built another CAS Sim, named Duncan and gave him the archaeology aspiration, but he needed a partner. That's Tania Goth. But I didn't want to get Duncan too involved with the others just yet, so I looked around.
That's Duncan doing the fire dance at a party at the Bluffs during a blizzard. The music wasn't playing and the bar looked like penguins bunching up on the glacier, so Duncan lit up the bon fire setup and started to do the fire dance while Tania and Alexandra Cote cuddled off to the side. A couple of homeless joined in.
So this is my little jungle team that I got together for the exciting trip to Selvadorada, but first the team needs to get pumped up so a trip to the gym was in order. Tania Goth, looks sharp in that summer setup, she's the only Sim that can wear that top I believe and Duncan is active and has a body of a offensive guard and finally Alexandra Cote who I always see walking the streets, is geared for cooking. The two girls are still teens while Duncan being CAS is just starting his YA's. Alexandra is going to be a YA in about twelve days.
It's early morning, time to get going for school and Alexandra is walking into a area that maybe she should not be. The piano came with Tania, who is mastering in music at this time, is definitely in the way. She never got to play the one at home, since Nichole was on it most of the time, at this house she has ample time. It does get a bit steamy at this house.
So Tania was pushed out of the band and a new player came onto the scene, Marci Nair, who was Peter and Genevieve's neighbors when they lived in the City. I played this group for a few days, making trips to Selvadorada but Marci ran out of vacation days, so it was again put on the back burner.
So no jungle for now, because Vanessa Bjergsen Scott is about to have a baby, which will make number two out of four for Vanessa's mother,Elsa, aspiration goal. I hit the Scott's house during the Summer and so only summer plants are up in the garden and Vanessa's Flower Arrangements are stuck with roses, mums, and bluebells.
Her piano skills are at the level that she can now compose her own songs which gives a bit more income. Music, or fine arts, is a Bjergsen trait. Only Will lacks any kind of artistic skill.
Serenity follows me around, she has moved in with Will and Vanessa for this go around. With her is her boyfriend, Ronnie Patel, they're doing homework on the dining table. She misses her own desk at the Harding's house. And I think she getting a bit tired of the long hair. Ronnie is Zoe Patel's son. Zoe passed away while he was just a child and became homeless, the same situation that Serenity went through, but they were friends when they were children.
I just don't know if Peter can handle two teens. Peter still works out, his gardening doesn't take much time and that includes his gardening job, so he's been keeping fit and it keeps him out of trouble.
But Serenity was in a foul mood and shouted out some bad words, so Peter calmly told her not to do things like that, but she did it again and this time Peter went in a bit firmly, which only ended up in a argument with both showing red. It took a few hours the next day to get things cooled out between the two with Serenity apologizing for her behavior. End the end they became good friends.
Ronnie was cool, a brain type of sim, likes reading books and playing chess, gets along well with the rest of the house hold. Its just his grades need to go up and hopefully it be in B range soon.
Serenity was quick at getting to Micheal Scott's crib, her parenting skill is past mid range and has a wide range of other skills, with cooking being the highest. This is her third home, but this time she has Ronnie to fall back on. She and Ronnie should both become a young adult here soon and will have a home for themselves to live in.
Decided to have Ronnie move in and get him out the homeless state that he was in. It was my intent to get Ronnie and Serenity together since they were born and it looks like it might work out. Behind him is Peter and Genevieve's school projects.
Traveling with Christie Watanabe:
When Christie got over to her childhood home, the old Bjergsen house, she caught Irvin playing with dolls with his son Ellis. Not playing mean today eh Irving? Irving Bjergsen, Christie's half brother, now has two son's to his name, Tyler and Ellis. Tyler is now going to school and Ellis is a short four days from starting. Irving painting career has given him a nice easel to work with and almost every painting he does is considered a masterpiece.
Christie spends some quality time with her nephew while Irving looks on. Ellis's older bother Tyler is now attending school. Irving is married to Caroline, whos portrait hangs on the wall. She's a Lothario who's mother is Candy Behr and works in the business field, but her main goal is to be weathly and marrying a Bjergsen was a good start for her.
When Christie got over to Will and Anita's house, Kelly their daughter, met her at the door and so she stuck around and played a couple of games of chess with her niece. Will, Vanessa, and Christie are all children of Elsa Bjergsen, with Irving and Susan being children of Sophia Bjergsen. Irving being the eldest of Sophia's children inherited the old Bjergsen house while Will and his wife Anita, built another house by the sea in Windenburg.
Anita came home from work in a stress out mood, while Beckham met up with Christie at the Bjergsen house by the sea. Anita is a Harding, the daughter of Stephan and Morgan Harding and is now married to Will Bjergsen. Her bother is Justin Harding who lives in Willow Creek. Anita is a writer and is in the writer's career. She has written over ten books at this time, but the work is starting to stress her out. In the back is Elsa who is probably watching TV is living with Will and Anita. Elsa is in need of four grandchildren.
Kelly likes her uncle Beck, he has some funny jokes. Beckham Watanabe is Genevieve Scott's half brother and is married to Christie. When Peter Scott moved from the city to Windenburg, Beckham moved in with him. He was trying to be friendly with Vanessa, until he met her sister Christy. The four shared a house in Windenburg until they got married. Beckham and Christie now live in Willow Creek with Scott and Vanessa staying in Windenburg.
Vanessa feeding Micheal on the highchair, it took two sandwiches to get it accomplished. It much easier to just make a plate and have the toddler grab a serving. Vanessa will sit down and start a conversation with the wordless, but babbling child, but its a start in getting his communication skills down. With Kerry and Micheal, that gives Elsa two grandchildren.
Elsa and number three grandchild, Nikki Scott. After Micheal was born, Vanessa and Peter turned it around to produce their second child, a baby girl. Elsa is a super parent, a nice trait to have around babies.
Elsa is eager of the coming of her fourth grandchild at Beckham and Christie's house. With Christie expecting, I had Elsa move in for a short stay of time to ease the house duties from Christie. Here she cooked up a crabby gourmet dinner.
Kasey Watanabe completed Elsa's four grandchildren quest. Elsa currently has five grandchildren, with the addition of Shane Bjergsen, Will's and Anita's second child.
Elsa Bjergsen
Will and Anita Bjergsen
Vanessa and Peter Scott
Christie and Beckham Watanabe
The Bjergsen House by the Sea, home of Will and Anita Bjergsen.
Its where Elsa is now currently living at to help Will and Anita with their children. Here she is helping Kerry with her homework. Elsa home was Windenburg.
Krysta Rasoya pays a after school visit with Kerry. The two are writing in their journals reflecting past events of their long lives. Krysta must of had a rough day at school.
As Krysta went to the bathroom leaving her journal on the table initiated Kerry to the temptation to sneak peak, but she gets caught. This did not help their friendship, and I was hoping that these two would become BFFs. That is what Kerry needed. Way to go Kerry.
After getting chewed out by Krysta, Kerry got caught again making a mess outside, Anita had her clean it up. Now any mess found at the house will be blamed on Kerry. A lesson learned.
Its a busy time now in the town with all the newborns coming in and with the addition of Duncan and doing the Jungle trips.
Baby List in order by age along with their respective parents:
Krysta Rasoya - Theeodore (Ted) and Maki
Tyler Bjergsen - Irving and Caroline
Kerry Bjergsen - Will and Anita
Mollie Harding - Tiffani and Justin - lost to adoption
Ellis Bjergsen - Irving and Caroline
Olivia Le Chien - Simon and Shawna
Amilia Le Chien - Simon and Shawna
Ricky Rasoya - Theodore and Susan
Jonah Rasoya - Theodore and Susan
Allen Harding - Justin and Tiffani
Niko Harding - Justin and Tiffani
Mason Goth - Grant and Nichole
Linda Srivastava - Aron and Violet
Micheal Scott - Peter and Vanessa
Kasey Watanabe - Beckham and Christie
Viviana Villareal - Dayton and Vivienne
Nikki Scott - Peter and Vanessa
Shane Bjergsen - Will and Anita
The Teens list by age.
Ronnie Patel - Zoe Patel son
Serenity Delgato - Evie Delgato daughter
Alexandra Cote - descendant of Jade Rosa
Leonard Goth - Cassandra Goth son
Miles Goth - Cassandra Goth son
Tania Goth - Alexander Goth daughter
Maci Nair -
Ashton Nair - City dwellers
Alexandra and Maci were pulled out of unplayed households and are now living with Duncan Harvey in the Harvey House in Oasis Springs. Certain original Sims I like seeing having offspring: Dina, Zoe, Jade, Morgan, and Luna. All but Zoe had children so I had one of her roommates pregnant her which resulted in Ronnie. The other roommate went off and had Serenity from Evie Delgato in Brindleton Bay. When Zoe died, Ronnie was swept away and placed in a home somewhere. I was able to grab Serenity before Evie died and Ronnie was still in Serenity's friend list so when I moved her in with Peter and Vanessa, I got the two back together.
I often go off on tangents. Something just clicks and off we go, and in this case its the Jungle, which this all could end up in. I was going down the list of Sims that have been marked as being played, and one or really two where hiding away in Windenburg that I've found to have an interesting aspiration, being a skilled jungle adventurer. I found that the jungle pack has some good to it, adding a diversion, and so I put Aron Srivastava off to the side and I believe added him to Peters Club and that is who Violet Munch is living with, another Sim that pops in and out.
So Aron shows up in previous chapters, being in the club and also gets invited to the parties and gets ignored. But I kept Aron around because he has the archaeology scholar trait and has what appears to be a nice aspiration that requires trips to the Jungle. And with all these kids popping in, I thought a break was in order, so I sent Aron and Violet off to the Jungle.
With that hat, Violet gets a bit of disguise but she shows up quite a bit in previous chapters, but she has the same traits as Aron except for the archaeology scholar trait, instead she has essence of flavor, also she's a cat lover. Both are active and love the outdoors.
They make a good couple. They got the two bedroom rental for their stay in the Jungle, which is pretty nice with the pool, this being more of a get to know each other type of trip, a little romance can't be ignored.
The local bar is the place to hang out and is always active with the locals coming in and out. I believe Aron will need to pick up the local custom and grab a few supplies on this trip and then muster out into the thick of things on another trip.
The whole idea got sideline when Violet got pregnant on their first night. Aron did get a good start though, its just now it appears it be awhile before he can return. That is Linda that Aron is holding, and we will leave these three alone for awhile and come back.
But I had the jungle bug in me and there were some interesting Sims back in Selvadorada that caught my fancy. So I built another CAS Sim, named Duncan and gave him the archaeology aspiration, but he needed a partner. That's Tania Goth. But I didn't want to get Duncan too involved with the others just yet, so I looked around.
That's Duncan doing the fire dance at a party at the Bluffs during a blizzard. The music wasn't playing and the bar looked like penguins bunching up on the glacier, so Duncan lit up the bon fire setup and started to do the fire dance while Tania and Alexandra Cote cuddled off to the side. A couple of homeless joined in.
So this is my little jungle team that I got together for the exciting trip to Selvadorada, but first the team needs to get pumped up so a trip to the gym was in order. Tania Goth, looks sharp in that summer setup, she's the only Sim that can wear that top I believe and Duncan is active and has a body of a offensive guard and finally Alexandra Cote who I always see walking the streets, is geared for cooking. The two girls are still teens while Duncan being CAS is just starting his YA's. Alexandra is going to be a YA in about twelve days.
It's early morning, time to get going for school and Alexandra is walking into a area that maybe she should not be. The piano came with Tania, who is mastering in music at this time, is definitely in the way. She never got to play the one at home, since Nichole was on it most of the time, at this house she has ample time. It does get a bit steamy at this house.
So Tania was pushed out of the band and a new player came onto the scene, Marci Nair, who was Peter and Genevieve's neighbors when they lived in the City. I played this group for a few days, making trips to Selvadorada but Marci ran out of vacation days, so it was again put on the back burner.
So no jungle for now, because Vanessa Bjergsen Scott is about to have a baby, which will make number two out of four for Vanessa's mother,Elsa, aspiration goal. I hit the Scott's house during the Summer and so only summer plants are up in the garden and Vanessa's Flower Arrangements are stuck with roses, mums, and bluebells.
Her piano skills are at the level that she can now compose her own songs which gives a bit more income. Music, or fine arts, is a Bjergsen trait. Only Will lacks any kind of artistic skill.
Serenity follows me around, she has moved in with Will and Vanessa for this go around. With her is her boyfriend, Ronnie Patel, they're doing homework on the dining table. She misses her own desk at the Harding's house. And I think she getting a bit tired of the long hair. Ronnie is Zoe Patel's son. Zoe passed away while he was just a child and became homeless, the same situation that Serenity went through, but they were friends when they were children.
I just don't know if Peter can handle two teens. Peter still works out, his gardening doesn't take much time and that includes his gardening job, so he's been keeping fit and it keeps him out of trouble.
But Serenity was in a foul mood and shouted out some bad words, so Peter calmly told her not to do things like that, but she did it again and this time Peter went in a bit firmly, which only ended up in a argument with both showing red. It took a few hours the next day to get things cooled out between the two with Serenity apologizing for her behavior. End the end they became good friends.
Ronnie was cool, a brain type of sim, likes reading books and playing chess, gets along well with the rest of the house hold. Its just his grades need to go up and hopefully it be in B range soon.
Serenity was quick at getting to Micheal Scott's crib, her parenting skill is past mid range and has a wide range of other skills, with cooking being the highest. This is her third home, but this time she has Ronnie to fall back on. She and Ronnie should both become a young adult here soon and will have a home for themselves to live in.
Decided to have Ronnie move in and get him out the homeless state that he was in. It was my intent to get Ronnie and Serenity together since they were born and it looks like it might work out. Behind him is Peter and Genevieve's school projects.
Traveling with Christie Watanabe:
When Christie got over to her childhood home, the old Bjergsen house, she caught Irvin playing with dolls with his son Ellis. Not playing mean today eh Irving? Irving Bjergsen, Christie's half brother, now has two son's to his name, Tyler and Ellis. Tyler is now going to school and Ellis is a short four days from starting. Irving painting career has given him a nice easel to work with and almost every painting he does is considered a masterpiece.
Christie spends some quality time with her nephew while Irving looks on. Ellis's older bother Tyler is now attending school. Irving is married to Caroline, whos portrait hangs on the wall. She's a Lothario who's mother is Candy Behr and works in the business field, but her main goal is to be weathly and marrying a Bjergsen was a good start for her.
When Christie got over to Will and Anita's house, Kelly their daughter, met her at the door and so she stuck around and played a couple of games of chess with her niece. Will, Vanessa, and Christie are all children of Elsa Bjergsen, with Irving and Susan being children of Sophia Bjergsen. Irving being the eldest of Sophia's children inherited the old Bjergsen house while Will and his wife Anita, built another house by the sea in Windenburg.
Anita came home from work in a stress out mood, while Beckham met up with Christie at the Bjergsen house by the sea. Anita is a Harding, the daughter of Stephan and Morgan Harding and is now married to Will Bjergsen. Her bother is Justin Harding who lives in Willow Creek. Anita is a writer and is in the writer's career. She has written over ten books at this time, but the work is starting to stress her out. In the back is Elsa who is probably watching TV is living with Will and Anita. Elsa is in need of four grandchildren.
Kelly likes her uncle Beck, he has some funny jokes. Beckham Watanabe is Genevieve Scott's half brother and is married to Christie. When Peter Scott moved from the city to Windenburg, Beckham moved in with him. He was trying to be friendly with Vanessa, until he met her sister Christy. The four shared a house in Windenburg until they got married. Beckham and Christie now live in Willow Creek with Scott and Vanessa staying in Windenburg.
Vanessa feeding Micheal on the highchair, it took two sandwiches to get it accomplished. It much easier to just make a plate and have the toddler grab a serving. Vanessa will sit down and start a conversation with the wordless, but babbling child, but its a start in getting his communication skills down. With Kerry and Micheal, that gives Elsa two grandchildren.
Elsa and number three grandchild, Nikki Scott. After Micheal was born, Vanessa and Peter turned it around to produce their second child, a baby girl. Elsa is a super parent, a nice trait to have around babies.
Elsa is eager of the coming of her fourth grandchild at Beckham and Christie's house. With Christie expecting, I had Elsa move in for a short stay of time to ease the house duties from Christie. Here she cooked up a crabby gourmet dinner.
Kasey Watanabe completed Elsa's four grandchildren quest. Elsa currently has five grandchildren, with the addition of Shane Bjergsen, Will's and Anita's second child.
Elsa Bjergsen
Will and Anita Bjergsen
Vanessa and Peter Scott
Christie and Beckham Watanabe
The Bjergsen House by the Sea, home of Will and Anita Bjergsen.
Its where Elsa is now currently living at to help Will and Anita with their children. Here she is helping Kerry with her homework. Elsa home was Windenburg.
Krysta Rasoya pays a after school visit with Kerry. The two are writing in their journals reflecting past events of their long lives. Krysta must of had a rough day at school.
As Krysta went to the bathroom leaving her journal on the table initiated Kerry to the temptation to sneak peak, but she gets caught. This did not help their friendship, and I was hoping that these two would become BFFs. That is what Kerry needed. Way to go Kerry.
After getting chewed out by Krysta, Kerry got caught again making a mess outside, Anita had her clean it up. Now any mess found at the house will be blamed on Kerry. A lesson learned.
Its a busy time now in the town with all the newborns coming in and with the addition of Duncan and doing the Jungle trips.
Baby List in order by age along with their respective parents:
Krysta Rasoya - Theeodore (Ted) and Maki
Tyler Bjergsen - Irving and Caroline
Kerry Bjergsen - Will and Anita
Mollie Harding - Tiffani and Justin - lost to adoption
Ellis Bjergsen - Irving and Caroline
Olivia Le Chien - Simon and Shawna
Amilia Le Chien - Simon and Shawna
Ricky Rasoya - Theodore and Susan
Jonah Rasoya - Theodore and Susan
Allen Harding - Justin and Tiffani
Niko Harding - Justin and Tiffani
Mason Goth - Grant and Nichole
Linda Srivastava - Aron and Violet
Micheal Scott - Peter and Vanessa
Kasey Watanabe - Beckham and Christie
Viviana Villareal - Dayton and Vivienne
Nikki Scott - Peter and Vanessa
Shane Bjergsen - Will and Anita
The Teens list by age.
Ronnie Patel - Zoe Patel son
Serenity Delgato - Evie Delgato daughter
Alexandra Cote - descendant of Jade Rosa
Leonard Goth - Cassandra Goth son
Miles Goth - Cassandra Goth son
Tania Goth - Alexander Goth daughter
Maci Nair -
Ashton Nair - City dwellers
Alexandra and Maci were pulled out of unplayed households and are now living with Duncan Harvey in the Harvey House in Oasis Springs. Certain original Sims I like seeing having offspring: Dina, Zoe, Jade, Morgan, and Luna. All but Zoe had children so I had one of her roommates pregnant her which resulted in Ronnie. The other roommate went off and had Serenity from Evie Delgato in Brindleton Bay. When Zoe died, Ronnie was swept away and placed in a home somewhere. I was able to grab Serenity before Evie died and Ronnie was still in Serenity's friend list so when I moved her in with Peter and Vanessa, I got the two back together.
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