21-Post Fame

21-Post Fame

A few thousand things occurred since the last posting, mainly the big patch or three that was pushed out before the Fame Expansion was release or was it during, can't remember, but a lot of changes.  Also I elected to download the Fame Expansion after it was released somewhere in there at a reduce price so I took the deal.

I put this save on the back burner and started to test all the new stuff in separate save files, using new sims and all. Almost decided to build a new town, but I thought I give my third iteration a trail run with all the new stuff.

It's been so long I have to remember what all was going on, but I do remember that my main house was the Harding house in Willow Creek, so I brought up the old save, and promptly created a new save called MTS-03-Fame from my MTS-03-Seasons save file. The game came up with only a few particulars, one being that I seemed to missed a Skin directory.

After loading the Harding household, I still get a bad portrait of the little girl Jasmin, but I have feeling that will go away (cache).  Immediately I had four birthdays, Justin and Tiffani became Adults, and the twins, Allen and Niko, became teens.  Jasmin has 10 days for her birthday to teen hood and only a C student.

Jasmin and Niko just as it was when I came into the picture where out on the side walk and Niko still a child. They looked 'normal'.

Allen in the hallway looking as if the three children are about to get together, but there were some hunger issues about to happen.

Tiffani still looks good at the Young Adult age and Justin is behind the door starring at the corner, otherwise both look normal for being a sim.

After the sims were checked out, Genevieve Scott stop by for a visit, followed by Shawna De Chien.  It was a re-introduction of who's who in this save file. After a minute or two, Tania Goth came to the door.  Having these visits was a plus, all were neighbors and for Shawna, a relative.

Later I had the twins go for drive and visit their twin cousin's Amelia and Olivia Le Chien who actually just lives across the street.  Those two where still children upon their visit, but successfully caught Shawna playing around in the bathroom, so that told me that some settings need to be adjusted in a particular mod.

The two also went over to the Scott's house and still needed to get the settings fixed - basically didn't have a chance for Vanessa and Tony were in their bathroom playing around. A few chats with Micheal and Nikki and it was back to home base where I have a bit more control over the sims of the house.

The next day, with twins in hand we go over to the Bjergsen's at the Lighthouse for a visit wanted to see how the old place looked and what needs to be done. Upon arriving I come to find that Irving and Caroline two siblings are now teens.  Not twins as most are, but a older and younger bothers, Tyler and Ellis. I believe Tyler is the oldest male of all the teens we be seeing, though Kystra is the oldest of all teens.

It's not often I have this many male sims in one room. Ellis is wearing glasses, which the game gave him for his winter outfit.  Initially it was the only time he wears glasses, and since he doesn't look that bad, I passed them along to his other outfits. Irvin seems to be enjoying the visit with the two teens, to whom gathered up a hamburger to eat on.

Back at the Hardings, Tiffani's club had a gathering and that brought Vanessa Bjergsen Scott to the house. That's Shawna doing the yoga in the back.  Clubs was a nice addition that came with Back to Work I believe.  A great way to have a party without watching the clock.

Christie Bjergsen Watanabe is doing some funky moves in the back along with Tiffani while Genevieve gives Anita Harding Bjergsen a 'It's been a while' hug.  It appears the game is going smoothly without any hitches as for now.

Must be around 3:00pm with the kids doing their homework. Allen is the creative one and hopes to be like his father who is a writer.  Niko is outgoing and so wants to meet the world, an aspiration I also gave to Allen for now. Jasmin is too close to becoming a teen, I'll hope to have  her meet as many kids as possible. But she is sitting on 1300 aspiration points so I have very little worries about her.

The twins at the Bjergsen's By the Sea, where I find that Elsa Bjergsen, my last standing first generation sim, has became an Elder. Elder's time is short in my world, which lasts fifteen days plus any bonuses. She's chatting with her eldest son Will who married Justin's sister Anita.   Shane Bjergsen, Will and Anita's second child, is dancing when Niko and Allen arrived.  Should of brought Jasmin so she could socialize with her same age cousin.

Niko appears to have a break out issue at the moment while he tries to explain the situation to his cousin Kerry.  Kerry Bjergsen came dressed up, I did change her hair, but of the Maxis hair, this one is a favorite.  Otherwise, this setup is all Maxis.

Anita at the keyboard. She is business and probably doing her reports, but I doubt it.

Checking the kids as they walk by the Harding house in Willow Creek, and catch Christie's young sibling, Kasey Watanabe, the second youngest of the children of this generation.  She will enjoy a nice summer as a child before she ages up to a teen.

Genevieve is a regular visitor to the Harding's. Tiffani has a long friend list, she just needs a BFF to finish off her aspiration.  Again it must be 3:00pm.  The save file is working nicely and the relationships haven't changed.  The first auto save kicked off about this time. 

Had the twins travel over to the Patel house where Ronnie and Serenity Delgato live.  Two foster children that knew each other since they were children and finally hooked back up when they were teens.  At one time Serenity was living with the Hardings as a caretaker to Allen and Niko, now looked upon as a big sister.  I thought I had Jasmin, but I don't see her in the picture, I'm sure that Serenity ask Jasmin for a visit and she brought her two brothers with her.

So there is a new feature in one of my favorite mods that now requires a purchase from the computer and Tiffani is a bit let down that no purchases have been bought at this particular time.  It kinda spoiled her day.

Amelia and Olivia aged up to being teens as the notice was given, so I tried to invite them over for a dressing party, but could only get Olivia to show.  I have some work for Olivia, for to me her head seems out of proportion to the rest of the body. Right now the hair may be the cause, but this is Olivia Le Chien in a hair I like, but in this case it may change.

Here I have Amelia and Kyrsta in a shot with Niko and Allen after a night out on the town.  They got together at the Oasis Park, a favorite teen hangout, and with the other Rosoya's, the twins Jonah and Kasey they all checked out a Ruins party for the night.  Niko and Allen took them back home and said goodnight and went on to Amelia and Olivia's home from there. Amelia still had the party hangover when they arrived at the Rosoya's, her sister, Olivia, is walking towards the Rosoya's house so Niko needs to get the call in for travel quickly here.  Kyrsta was getting a bit flirty with Niko.

Niko got the call in just in time to get Amilia and Olivia to the doorstep of their house.   Amelia got the text - Get Home now. Perfect timing.  Niko and Allen slept over but issues occurred with the other Hardings, so I had them go home later that morning.   I'm definitely going to touch up on Olivia'a hair and get it closer to Amilia's color, for they were blonds when they were toddlers. 

Note the last two shots were touched up since it was late at night when they were taken.

So it looks like a go with My Sims Town.  Got to a smoother state and will continue with all these sims.

Oh wait, I don't have one picture of Justin Harding.  The patriarch of the Harding house.

