16-Baby Time
16-Baby Time
My Sims age, slowly but surely they will die, therefore to keep the town alive, there has to be some births. Aging is the tricky part, where I would like to have a scattering of elders still hanging around when their grand children come into being. Unfortunately, I didn't fair too well this time around with only Elsa left from the original batch of Sims, for she had her children, Will and Susan, early in her young adult Sim time. So maybe that's the clue.
Here's how I set up aging.
Baby: 3 days
Toddler: 10 days
Child: 43 days
Teen: 56 days
Young Adult: 112 days
Adult: 112 days
Elder: 28 days
Game time span is normal which makes the MCCC settings absolute.
note that 3+10+43+56 = 112 days which is the lifespan of a young adult. Now with seasons, I get a simulated year, spring, summer, fall, winter, with each season lasting two sim weeks. 14 x 4 = 56 days, which gives the teen a full cycle of seasons. But of course that goes out the window when I stop aging which I do often to catch up on other houses that are not the Harding's or the Scott's, but one thing I try to do is spread out the births over time.
Initially I was thinking right before they age up to adult, they will begin the process of making babies. When the child turns young adult, the parent will turn into a elder, then its 28 days left for the elder. So the problem is those 28 days, those YA's are partying and baby making is the last thing on their mind. So for this generation, baby making is going to start a bit earlier, like around the halfway point in their young adult span and later we'll see how it goes. But of course certain situations get in the way and is the reasoning that these sims get in the way of my building.
Again Irving is called into service for photo shooting of wedding gowns. Being the sole photographer in town has be a lucrative position at this time. A picture of Peter and Vanessa Scott in their wedding garb.
And the photo of Beckham and Christie Watanabe. These photos will adorn their walls of their houses till they die.
Irving's photography skill is close to max and getting photos is painless, and is getting outstanding ratings on the majority of his shots. I call him up, move him in, get the shots, and the have Caroline come pick him.
Had a few weddings here lately, Irving's wife is Caroline and living in the old Bjergsen house, Peter and Vanessa in the Scott's house, and Beckman and Christie in their new home in Willow Creek. Will and Anita are hitched up in the other Bjergsen house, and Justin Harding married Tiffani.
So with the photo shoot done, Caroline comes over to pick him, but in a flirty mood, so why not do a bit of WW before we go home.
At home she wasn't quite right, getting nausea while eating.
Tired all the time. This is a strong indication that the contraceptives didn't work as advertised on the labeling.
Irving and Caroline is expecting. A little unexpected, but we going to keep it going. Justin must of dropped by and hung the portrait of Caroline on the wall. The painting was done by Stephan Harding when Caroline was a teen.
Beckham and Christie moved into a old EA house in Willow Creek to set up shop for them. A nice size lot on the same street as Saya Suzuki, so they have them as neighbors, three bedrooms and two baths. A nice start for them. They sit outside while a thunderstorm rages around them, romancing away as lightning bolts strikes nearby.
They discuss their plans for the house outside in the back. With Christie, now bringing in close to 1000.00 a day from her books, Beckham decided to go for the astronaut career.
So I going to remodel this house when things settle down. Its a 40x30 lot which is my favorite lot size.
Somewhere around here is where that lighting struck. So the two went looking.
Almost half the lot is not used, so expansion is almost limitless and the floor plan is something I would do. The neighborhood though is a bit dry, with no playground for kids, therefore one must be provided at home.
Finding a rock, Christie calls up the lab for instructions on what to do. Nothing to worry about, just a rare gem to keep in your pocket, maybe to some other sim it may be more interesting, but for Beckham and Christie, its money in the pocket.
So much to do.
Carolyn had a baby boy, Tyler and it appears Caroline will need to do some tread milling. This is of course at the hospital, not all babies are lucky.
Will's and Anita's wedding. Elsa cooked up the cake, and will the burgers and the wedding party started. I had Elsa do the photography, she insisted. I didn't want Caroline get pregnant again.
Irving was thrilled.
Susan does a lame pose for Elsa.
Christie and Anita talking about the cake, Peter getting left overs and Irving and Will talking sports in the living room.
Caroline looks good. Photo is a bit dark, but that's Beckham and Justin behind her, and Susan still stuck at the front door, like she is waiting for some one.
The tribunal ritual dance that is now always performed during wedding proceedings. I just don't get it. But that's Peter, Genevieve, Beckham and Saya doing their part.
Elsa got the picture just in time.
Elsa did a good job in getting the photos, Irving just may have some decent competition. This is Elsa Bjergsen, Will's mother, in her formal wear, for a grandmother, she doesn't look bad.
After the wedding, I touched up the backside of the Bjergsen-Elsa house by adding more windows. Windows and stairs don't mix well, so I had to improvise. But the view out to the bay is impressive from the living room now.
Will barbecue some chicken on the grill for the Summer day festivities. In back is the Bjergsen-Sofia (Irving and Caroline) house.
Anita is expecting, and so I had Will's club and Anita's club get together for a simulated baby shower. I forgot that Anita's club has the cooking thing and someone cooked up some beans to liven up the party.
Justin and Tiffani Harding went a visiting, mainly to deliver some portraits. First stop was at Will and Anita's, which gave some valuable time for Tiffani to see her new niece, Kerry Bjergsen.
While Justin chats with the Bjergsen household. With the back windows in place, it really brightens up the living room at the Bjergsen house.
The next stop was over to Ted and Susan's, but only Kyrsta was at home playing with her doctor set. Justin hung the painting of Susan on the wall and chatted a bit with Krysta, before leaving.
Then it was over to the Le Chien's, all this traveling was making Tiffani a bit hungry, so she grabbed some pancakes from the refrigerator. While Justin hung Shawna's portrait on the wall. Also give me some time with Shawna.
Tiffani then got nauseous and it was time to move on. But since they where in the neighborhood, thought they would stop by and visit the Goths. They are neighbors, might as well get to know them.
Nichole and Tiffani.
Grant, Tiffani, Justin and Nichole in the Goth's rumpus room. It was getting late and Tiffani was about to pass out, so the two spent the night at the Goths.
Caroline's pregnancy was unexpected, I could of aborted, but decided to go with it and then it became a virus. I prefer order, but mixing things up makes it a bit more interesting. When Tiffani gets her baby here soon, that will make it the third generation of the Hardings.
New on the lots:
Irving and Caroline Bjergsen: Tyler, male, 9lbs 3ounces
Will and Anita Bjergsen: Kerry, female, 6lbs, 2ounces.
My Sims age, slowly but surely they will die, therefore to keep the town alive, there has to be some births. Aging is the tricky part, where I would like to have a scattering of elders still hanging around when their grand children come into being. Unfortunately, I didn't fair too well this time around with only Elsa left from the original batch of Sims, for she had her children, Will and Susan, early in her young adult Sim time. So maybe that's the clue.
Here's how I set up aging.
Baby: 3 days
Toddler: 10 days
Child: 43 days
Teen: 56 days
Young Adult: 112 days
Adult: 112 days
Elder: 28 days
Game time span is normal which makes the MCCC settings absolute.
note that 3+10+43+56 = 112 days which is the lifespan of a young adult. Now with seasons, I get a simulated year, spring, summer, fall, winter, with each season lasting two sim weeks. 14 x 4 = 56 days, which gives the teen a full cycle of seasons. But of course that goes out the window when I stop aging which I do often to catch up on other houses that are not the Harding's or the Scott's, but one thing I try to do is spread out the births over time.
Initially I was thinking right before they age up to adult, they will begin the process of making babies. When the child turns young adult, the parent will turn into a elder, then its 28 days left for the elder. So the problem is those 28 days, those YA's are partying and baby making is the last thing on their mind. So for this generation, baby making is going to start a bit earlier, like around the halfway point in their young adult span and later we'll see how it goes. But of course certain situations get in the way and is the reasoning that these sims get in the way of my building.
Again Irving is called into service for photo shooting of wedding gowns. Being the sole photographer in town has be a lucrative position at this time. A picture of Peter and Vanessa Scott in their wedding garb.
And the photo of Beckham and Christie Watanabe. These photos will adorn their walls of their houses till they die.
Irving's photography skill is close to max and getting photos is painless, and is getting outstanding ratings on the majority of his shots. I call him up, move him in, get the shots, and the have Caroline come pick him.
Had a few weddings here lately, Irving's wife is Caroline and living in the old Bjergsen house, Peter and Vanessa in the Scott's house, and Beckman and Christie in their new home in Willow Creek. Will and Anita are hitched up in the other Bjergsen house, and Justin Harding married Tiffani.
So with the photo shoot done, Caroline comes over to pick him, but in a flirty mood, so why not do a bit of WW before we go home.
At home she wasn't quite right, getting nausea while eating.
Tired all the time. This is a strong indication that the contraceptives didn't work as advertised on the labeling.
Irving and Caroline is expecting. A little unexpected, but we going to keep it going. Justin must of dropped by and hung the portrait of Caroline on the wall. The painting was done by Stephan Harding when Caroline was a teen.
Beckham and Christie moved into a old EA house in Willow Creek to set up shop for them. A nice size lot on the same street as Saya Suzuki, so they have them as neighbors, three bedrooms and two baths. A nice start for them. They sit outside while a thunderstorm rages around them, romancing away as lightning bolts strikes nearby.
They discuss their plans for the house outside in the back. With Christie, now bringing in close to 1000.00 a day from her books, Beckham decided to go for the astronaut career.
So I going to remodel this house when things settle down. Its a 40x30 lot which is my favorite lot size.
Somewhere around here is where that lighting struck. So the two went looking.
Almost half the lot is not used, so expansion is almost limitless and the floor plan is something I would do. The neighborhood though is a bit dry, with no playground for kids, therefore one must be provided at home.
Finding a rock, Christie calls up the lab for instructions on what to do. Nothing to worry about, just a rare gem to keep in your pocket, maybe to some other sim it may be more interesting, but for Beckham and Christie, its money in the pocket.
So much to do.
Carolyn had a baby boy, Tyler and it appears Caroline will need to do some tread milling. This is of course at the hospital, not all babies are lucky.
Will's and Anita's wedding. Elsa cooked up the cake, and will the burgers and the wedding party started. I had Elsa do the photography, she insisted. I didn't want Caroline get pregnant again.
Irving was thrilled.
Susan does a lame pose for Elsa.
Christie and Anita talking about the cake, Peter getting left overs and Irving and Will talking sports in the living room.
Caroline looks good. Photo is a bit dark, but that's Beckham and Justin behind her, and Susan still stuck at the front door, like she is waiting for some one.
The tribunal ritual dance that is now always performed during wedding proceedings. I just don't get it. But that's Peter, Genevieve, Beckham and Saya doing their part.
Elsa got the picture just in time.
Elsa did a good job in getting the photos, Irving just may have some decent competition. This is Elsa Bjergsen, Will's mother, in her formal wear, for a grandmother, she doesn't look bad.
After the wedding, I touched up the backside of the Bjergsen-Elsa house by adding more windows. Windows and stairs don't mix well, so I had to improvise. But the view out to the bay is impressive from the living room now.
Will barbecue some chicken on the grill for the Summer day festivities. In back is the Bjergsen-Sofia (Irving and Caroline) house.
Anita is expecting, and so I had Will's club and Anita's club get together for a simulated baby shower. I forgot that Anita's club has the cooking thing and someone cooked up some beans to liven up the party.
Justin and Tiffani Harding went a visiting, mainly to deliver some portraits. First stop was at Will and Anita's, which gave some valuable time for Tiffani to see her new niece, Kerry Bjergsen.
While Justin chats with the Bjergsen household. With the back windows in place, it really brightens up the living room at the Bjergsen house.
The next stop was over to Ted and Susan's, but only Kyrsta was at home playing with her doctor set. Justin hung the painting of Susan on the wall and chatted a bit with Krysta, before leaving.
Then it was over to the Le Chien's, all this traveling was making Tiffani a bit hungry, so she grabbed some pancakes from the refrigerator. While Justin hung Shawna's portrait on the wall. Also give me some time with Shawna.
Tiffani then got nauseous and it was time to move on. But since they where in the neighborhood, thought they would stop by and visit the Goths. They are neighbors, might as well get to know them.
Nichole and Tiffani.
Grant, Tiffani, Justin and Nichole in the Goth's rumpus room. It was getting late and Tiffani was about to pass out, so the two spent the night at the Goths.
Caroline's pregnancy was unexpected, I could of aborted, but decided to go with it and then it became a virus. I prefer order, but mixing things up makes it a bit more interesting. When Tiffani gets her baby here soon, that will make it the third generation of the Hardings.
New on the lots:
Irving and Caroline Bjergsen: Tyler, male, 9lbs 3ounces
Will and Anita Bjergsen: Kerry, female, 6lbs, 2ounces.
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