12-Sim Life at the Scott's
Just a note, I have finished moving the other previous 10 chapters into this blog. Chapter 11 is out of sync with the other chapters popping in as the first entry. I do have a table of contents (TOC) if you have missed a chapter or two. I'm still learning the features of blogger and hopes it stays around so I don't have to do this all over again.
12-Sim Life at the Scott's
And now we can continue. Genealogies of the Scott's, Bjergsen's, and Watanabe (proper spelling) are now on the Geneologies page if one is interested and must correct myself in thinking that Caroline Lothario and Peter had a thing between them, which is impossible since they are brother and half-sister.
Had Vanessa and Christie do a pose for a photo shoot by the pool. Vanessa's flower arrangement table is the blue table on the back patio. This photograph is now hanging in the entry.
But I prefer paintings over photographs and the only painter I had going at the time is Irving Bjergsen. So I had Irving and Caroline Lothario move in to occupy the extra bed so he can paint up some paintings of the occupants. Here Vanessa checks out his painting of her next to her other two sisters, Christie and Susan, while Irving does up another painting of Vanessa.
Beckham posing for his portrait in his trunks. So only one left to do and Irving and Caroline can move back to the Bjergsen house. Having an extra two sims was starting to get busy so the sooner the better.
Peter and Vanessa in the kitchen doing some personal deep conversations. Peter has the whim to get married to Vanessa, but Vanessa has not. I'll be spending the next few days keeping an eye on Vanessa's whims.
Visiting the Harding's, Peter is upstairs with Justin Harding trying to fix the DJ booth in the rumpus room, while Vanessa tells an outrageous story to Beckham and Tiffani Le Chien at the bar. The two repairmen couldn't get the booth fix which was strange with both Peter and Justin being at level 10 in handiness.
Working out at the gym. Even though they have the machines at home, it is much more fun exercising at the gym. Saya, the red-headed trainer, has been around since Peter was a teen and he befriended her and with Shawna, Genevieve, and Angelo, went to Granite Falls together. She reminds me of another Sim in another story written by another author.
Violet Munch, to whom I haven't spoke of that much, but she keeps showing up every now and then I have think who it is? Oh, that's Violet. Saya, the Red Headed Trainer, is a bit disappointed in that she is not getting the golden pluses and stars as the others.
I'm still looking for some high waist leggins for Anita, that will become her yoga outfit, something I started and never finished and wahlaa she shows up wearing it like a reminder. I like to get Saya, the Red-Headed Trainer, in a house, but afraid she'll will end as being the trainer, be nice to 'assign' sims to venues.
After the gym it was a hop over to the night club for some dancing to go with the socialization. They pretty much had the floor to themselves. Its good to arrive early I suppose.
It didn't take long for the place to fill up, with sims coming and going. It's a nice way of seeing how the others are doing in way. Peter decides to serenade to Vanessa while on the dance floor. Someone at the DJ stand caught my eye.
I didn't know who the blonde in the red coat was, so I had Christie move in and get a closer look.
You look familiar but can't match a name. Ritu oh yea, Alexander Goth's girlfriend. Beckham joins in and it looks like its time to go.
Summer has arrived and I must say that summer time is the best. Time to get wet and soak the rays and it so happens that both clubs get rewards for swimming and socializing with each other and a way to get 16 sims into the house at one time.
Now I don't think that Nichole is doing the mistletoe to Tiffani, for she isn't that kind of person, but Genevieve is curious as ever. Don't how many times Genevieve tried to convince Nichole to 'liberate' herself.
So, one club cooks and the other eats and sit lazily on the edge of the pool. The process needs to stop, way too many dirty dishes.
Vanessa's arrangement of daisies and roses. When finished, one can take a picture of the arrangement, now where that picture is I'm not certain, maybe into their inventory.
Well this is big, both got the whim, so it was time to make the move. Peter in his finest, proposes to Vanessa early morning. For these two I caught some pictures.
Looks the right size. Still hasn't say yes.
Looks good on the hand. Still in waiting but I think

it was a yes.

I haven't seen a no yet.
Peter's gardening is doing well. The Bee's are a bit tricky as Beckham finds out. His first trip to the garden and what happens?
He get's stung by a bee. Peter gets ready to get the honey, he still gets attacked but I believe that will go away. I think.
Peter going for a jump in the pool, while Vanessa does another arrangement. Right now she has rose, chrysanthemums, which I call mums, daisies, and bluebells. Snapdragons as are are out of season even though its summer, hopefully they will be coming up soon. Tulips I may have missed. She gets roses year round, since one of the bushes is in the green house.
Its late at night and the stragglers from the last meeting, Simon, Angelo, and Will, are beginning to leave. Angelo being a geek is doing well on the weights. I suppose having Genevieve as a trainer helps.
12-Sim Life at the Scott's
And now we can continue. Genealogies of the Scott's, Bjergsen's, and Watanabe (proper spelling) are now on the Geneologies page if one is interested and must correct myself in thinking that Caroline Lothario and Peter had a thing between them, which is impossible since they are brother and half-sister.
Had Vanessa and Christie do a pose for a photo shoot by the pool. Vanessa's flower arrangement table is the blue table on the back patio. This photograph is now hanging in the entry.
But I prefer paintings over photographs and the only painter I had going at the time is Irving Bjergsen. So I had Irving and Caroline Lothario move in to occupy the extra bed so he can paint up some paintings of the occupants. Here Vanessa checks out his painting of her next to her other two sisters, Christie and Susan, while Irving does up another painting of Vanessa.
Beckham posing for his portrait in his trunks. So only one left to do and Irving and Caroline can move back to the Bjergsen house. Having an extra two sims was starting to get busy so the sooner the better.
Peter and Vanessa in the kitchen doing some personal deep conversations. Peter has the whim to get married to Vanessa, but Vanessa has not. I'll be spending the next few days keeping an eye on Vanessa's whims.
Visiting the Harding's, Peter is upstairs with Justin Harding trying to fix the DJ booth in the rumpus room, while Vanessa tells an outrageous story to Beckham and Tiffani Le Chien at the bar. The two repairmen couldn't get the booth fix which was strange with both Peter and Justin being at level 10 in handiness.
Working out at the gym. Even though they have the machines at home, it is much more fun exercising at the gym. Saya, the red-headed trainer, has been around since Peter was a teen and he befriended her and with Shawna, Genevieve, and Angelo, went to Granite Falls together. She reminds me of another Sim in another story written by another author.
Violet Munch, to whom I haven't spoke of that much, but she keeps showing up every now and then I have think who it is? Oh, that's Violet. Saya, the Red Headed Trainer, is a bit disappointed in that she is not getting the golden pluses and stars as the others.
I'm still looking for some high waist leggins for Anita, that will become her yoga outfit, something I started and never finished and wahlaa she shows up wearing it like a reminder. I like to get Saya, the Red-Headed Trainer, in a house, but afraid she'll will end as being the trainer, be nice to 'assign' sims to venues.
It didn't take long for the place to fill up, with sims coming and going. It's a nice way of seeing how the others are doing in way. Peter decides to serenade to Vanessa while on the dance floor. Someone at the DJ stand caught my eye.
I didn't know who the blonde in the red coat was, so I had Christie move in and get a closer look.
You look familiar but can't match a name. Ritu oh yea, Alexander Goth's girlfriend. Beckham joins in and it looks like its time to go.
Summer has arrived and I must say that summer time is the best. Time to get wet and soak the rays and it so happens that both clubs get rewards for swimming and socializing with each other and a way to get 16 sims into the house at one time.
Now I don't think that Nichole is doing the mistletoe to Tiffani, for she isn't that kind of person, but Genevieve is curious as ever. Don't how many times Genevieve tried to convince Nichole to 'liberate' herself.
So, one club cooks and the other eats and sit lazily on the edge of the pool. The process needs to stop, way too many dirty dishes.
Vanessa's arrangement of daisies and roses. When finished, one can take a picture of the arrangement, now where that picture is I'm not certain, maybe into their inventory.
Well this is big, both got the whim, so it was time to make the move. Peter in his finest, proposes to Vanessa early morning. For these two I caught some pictures.
Looks the right size. Still hasn't say yes.
Looks good on the hand. Still in waiting but I think

it was a yes.

I haven't seen a no yet.
Peter's gardening is doing well. The Bee's are a bit tricky as Beckham finds out. His first trip to the garden and what happens?
He get's stung by a bee. Peter gets ready to get the honey, he still gets attacked but I believe that will go away. I think.
Peter going for a jump in the pool, while Vanessa does another arrangement. Right now she has rose, chrysanthemums, which I call mums, daisies, and bluebells. Snapdragons as are are out of season even though its summer, hopefully they will be coming up soon. Tulips I may have missed. She gets roses year round, since one of the bushes is in the green house.
Its late at night and the stragglers from the last meeting, Simon, Angelo, and Will, are beginning to leave. Angelo being a geek is doing well on the weights. I suppose having Genevieve as a trainer helps.
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